The Dream

I dreamed. I dreamed a dream.
Woke up and it was taken away. 
Far into the darkness of the abyss, I could see.
But now it seems like haze.
And I carry on with my day. 

I dreamed again and it went away in a snap. 
I wondered, shook my head, didn't remember,
The place, the time, the moment so truthfully wrapped.
A gift as they call it to be, I looked everywhere couldn't find one. 
They say everyone gets a share, I felt undone. 

I felt cheated, I felt a pain. 
The pain tore my ribs apart. 
Left here stranded with the wound. 
And that blow was only a part. 

A small part of what would happen to me. 
I ran one last sprint away from the hell.
As I felt the distance grew stronger, I felt free.
Free from the dream but within the dream, it consumed me whole. 
I woke up back in my bed, one body, one soul.

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