Long story short.. I make you and your surrounding spaces sound better.

A music composer with 12+ years of experience, registered architect & Berklee certified architectural acoustics consultant based out of Gurgaon, HR. I also explore new forms of creativity through, photography, writing, painting, cooking & anything that intrigues me now and then.

I started my musical journey in early 2009 through piano and composing and there's no looking back ever since. I've served more than 250 Artists, Bands & Companies across the globe including

Vodafone, Nike, McKinsey & Company, Abbott, NEC Global, Phillips, WWF India, OYO Rooms, FabHotels, Hero Moto Corp, Royal Enfield, HSIL, Rites, M.P Govt, Govt of Rajasthan, etc.

I've judged the Annual Cultural Festivals at IIM Lucknow, IIT BHU Varanasi & MNNIT Allahabad, and have given a TedX talk at SRMU, Lucknow on "Transforming Passion To Profession".

As for the architecture & architectural acoustics part, I'm an independent practitioner. My company 'Singulareti' provides consultancy & solutions for making your surrounding spaces sound more pleasant, free of destructive reverb while looking good at the same time.

Contact Me

Mobile No - +91-9956999922

Email - mail@prabhavgupta.com